Press release: Merger between MPI Tech and Data Syscom

Data and Document Management

Managing, Archiving, and Securing Documents Within a Company

Software Solutions

Discover Our Data and Document Management Solutions.

Every Solution We Offer Enables the Investigation of Novel Aspects of Data and Document Management.



The French Electronic Payslip Solution



Solution for Web-based Document Archiving and Delivery Systems



Electronic Signature and Document Security Solution

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“84% of organizations want a system that can provide a centralized view of information and content through a single interface, choose MPI Tech Group products.”

Source • Study in Archimag 2021
Archiver securiser gerer documents | mpi tech
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Information in a Few Clicks!

Finding information in a few clicks is essential for most organizations. But how can one succeed when this information is often heterogeneous and dispersed in different sites, departments, or information systems? The goal of data and document management tools is to simplify lives by providing powerful business functionalities to accompany users on a daily basis.

Adapted to individual activity, data, and document management software takes care of business problems and provides concrete solutions to meet the needs of employees and customers.

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