Creating and Sending Letters
Optimization of Individual & Industrial Mail

Reduce Postage Costs by 20% to 30%
Manage All Mail Simply
Whether your letters represent large volumes per day or are less than the fingers of one hand, you need a simple and effective solution!
Too much printing, too much complexity, too much paperwork, too high of costs…!!
When a department has to create and send mailings, the people in charge are always apprehensive about these time-consuming and not very rewarding steps.
Considering postal constraints has become a real problem today. Combine this with the obligation to respect postal formats, proper postage, and mail deliverability, and create an anxiety-inducing situation!

A Simple Solution
for Complex Issues!
A Global Offer
A few letters a month or hundreds? Every project you have has a solution. Find out how our team can help with mail management on a daily basis.
A Defined ROI Target
Postage budgets have exploded in recent years. By choosing a professional solution you reduce your mailing costs and achieve a return on investment very quickly.
Fine-tuned Management
Are your letters complex, multi-page, with inserts, backgrounds, and address pages? We manage all these cases. Our mission is to ensure that your communications reflect your company’s image: powerful and efficient.
Accessible Everywhere
MPI Tech solutions offer real-time monitoring progression of all mail items with alerts in case of printing failure at your printing center.

Solutions for Industrial Mail…
The major rules decreed by the Post Office require the company to adapt its production center and to intervene in its print runs in order to be in conformity. The information contained in the documents is, before any printing operation, indexed to be used in production. Also during the creation of the document, the intervention of a composition engine in the document assembly process allows the affixing of certain essential information: QR Code, Mailmark, DataMatrix, OMR code…
These documents are then sent to the printing and inserting center. The various machines in the production center use the information contained in the documents to implement postal optimization rules. Thus, documents intended to be sent to the same person are grouped and placed in the same envelope according to precise business rules (weight, number of sheets).
Postal rules also require that the mail be sorted by postcode. Also meeting minimum volumes to achieve maximum post discounts.
When these rules are met discounts of between 20 and 30% per item. This depends on the type of shipment (priority or not, registered).
But Also for Individual Letters!
The individual mail generated by the different administrative or marketing departments has a strong impact on the operating budgets of the departments. Indeed, the production of individual mail in a non-dedicated environment leads to an explosion of the unit cost.
When the real cost of manually printing, enveloping, franking, and postage each mail item is considered. It is easy to see where automation can save time and a lot of money. Faced with a surge in the price of individual stamps (+20% in two years), it is urgent to prevent this increase by streamlining and optimizing the processes of creating and sending individual mail. This concerns all types of mail (reminders, information, invitations, etc.) that cannot be globalized or standardized.
By providing companies with business solutions capable of capturing these transactional communications and directing them into standardized industrial processes, it becomes evident that printing and postage costs are drastically reduced.
The cost of the same mail is reduced by between 40% and 50%, which represents substantial savings. In addition, there are indirect savings such as the possibility of rationalizing the local printer fleet, and the associated consumables and freeing up employees’ time for other tasks, etc.

The use of a professional postal optimization solution can reduce the cost of postage by between 20 and 30%.
Add to that productivity gains in the creation and sending of documents and you divide by 4 the time and costs related to the main activity.
Related Software
The mail management solutions proposed by MPI Tech facilitate the daily life of dozens of companies, which can thus concentrate on their business by freeing themselves from time-consuming tasks that are not very rewarding for their employees.
At each step of the creation and sending of this mail, and whether they are industrial or individual, our solutions accompany the users in their communications.
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