Secure Printing and Pull Printing: Master a Company’s Printing Strategy

Secure and Efficient Print Management With Immediate Cost Savings
Key Functions: Safe2Print
Secure and Confidential Printing
Turn every network-connected printer and MFP into a personal secure printing device using the secure pull printing feature that ensures that documents are not printed before the user logs in and retrieves the documents.
Universal Print Driver for Consistent Results
Regardless of the printing resource chosen, Safe2Print offers users a single, universal, multi-brand, multi-vendor printer driver. It gives users full control of all finishing options without having to worry about printer drivers, as the built-in Universal Print Driver takes care of the rest.
Automatic Routing of Documents
Send print jobs to MFPs, printers, or the Central Reprographic Department (CRD) and integrate the Central Reprographic Department (CRD) to allow access to all users as part of a coherent printing experience. The document routing can be done automatically based on rules and document parameters or users can decide to send the document to a specific printer that matches their requirements for the specific print job.

Want to discover more information about Safe2Print?

Discover the Functionalities of Safe2Print
- Rules to ensure cost-effective printing
- Server-side: Runs on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016
- Billing and quotas
- Analysis and reporting
- Environmental impact monitoring
- Universal print driver for consistent results
- Secure and confidential printing
- Client-side: Runs on Windows 10
- Automatic document routing
- Easy to install and use
- Integration of reprographics into the organization
- Visualization of all printing costs
Print management enables the optimization of the circulation of flows within the company. This saves time and reduces costs.

Safe2Print: Benefits
Integrate the CRD Into the Printing Organization
Many large organizations have their in-house central reprographic department (CRD) that is equipped with high-volume printers and production printers. The standard Safe2Print user interface can give users access to print to any device in the organization including the CRD (given that the user rights allow this access). In theory, any job can be redirected to the CRD but in order to not abuse the CRD for smaller or unimportant print jobs, we recommend implementing certain rules for use of the CRD.
Rules to Ensure Cost Efficient Printing
Set up rules to automate the redirection of print jobs based on document parameters such as document size, color jobs, application, or finishing requirements in order to make sure that the print job is routed to the most appropriate printer. Rules can also ensure that prints from specific applications, e.g. e-mails, are printed in greyscale and duplex.
Analytics & Reports Provide an Overview
Get the complete overview of print and copy-related costs with the analytics tool and built-in reports generation. These will help the print administrator to understand the print infrastructure, gain control of the print management function, and start saving immediately. The Safe2Print solution has an interface with more than 50 advanced statistical reports. It only takes 2 clicks to generate any required report.
Examples of statistics :
– Black & White – Color distribution
– Cost per department
– Cost per printer
– Cost per user
Reduced Environmental Impact
Safe2Print can help reduce the use of paper and consumables within the company, which will have a concrete and positive effect on the environment and will help improve the external image and environmental footprint of the organization.
Safe2Print Mobile Application
Thanks to the dedicated Safe2Print mobile app, users can release their print jobs directly on the printer of their choice, via the most current smartphones & tablets (iOS, Android, Windows Phone & Windows tablets).
The app simplifies the authentification process allowing users to release their jobs via QR code reading, NFC, or Bluetooth.

Main Printer Brands Supported