Press release: Merger between MPI Tech and Data Syscom


Real-time Workflow Tracking Solution

Print tracking software
Entreprise francaise internationale 1 | mpi tech

Facilitate the Daily Management of Print Production Centers

ScopTracking offers the print center managers full control of their live production in real time.

ScopTracking is permanently checking the batches, files, documents, and envelopes processed during printing.

At each stage of the process, ScopTracking provides any required information on the status of the printed documents.

Key Functions: ScopTracking


ScopTracking allows the viewing of workflows, whether digital or on paper. Businesses can easily customize that data and document management professional software in line with their organization and internal processes.


Search and Tracking Interface

A modern and intuitive GUI allows easy searching and filtering of data and documents. Thus operator or simple user can access the progress of the work.  At each step, the index gives the level reached by the process.


Visualization of Document Streams (or Spools)

ScopTracking allows users to define visualization rules. It is thus possible to see either a complete spool of documents from an information system or to only have access to a restricted view of a type of document (according to defined parameters such as its source, etc.).


At the Center of Print Production Room

At the heart of the ScopTracking solution, through external connections via API, it’s possible to integrate new silos of information to be monitored in real-time. The data sources can be error data in production, information feedback from the inserting machine, and sets of information essential to the production department…

Functionalities scoptracking

Want to discover more information about ScopTracking ?

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Schema scoptracking

Discover the Functionalites of ScopTracking

  • ScopTracking is a comprehensive solution for tracking and visualizing batches, files, documents, and mail processed by the production center. It offers a dynamic and flexible GUI that fits the organization’s needs. The data processed are systematically analyzed allowing a good supervision of the workflows based on constraints and requirements.
  • It seamlessly integrates with the ScopIOM scheduling engine through an Application Programming Interface (API). The platform provides various views of the production center, such as file, document, batch, and mail visualizations.
  • ScopTracking also includes features to handle production errors, whether they are printing errors or errors during the mailing process. Users can isolate these errors and relaunch the appropriate processes for seamless workflow management.
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ScopTracking is more than a simple production monitoring tool, it helps generate millions of pages every day.

Scoptracking benefits

ScopTracking: Benefits

Centralization of Heterogeneous Data

ScopTracking is a centralizing tool for paper and electronic document workflows. Composed of several entry points, this solution facilitates the visualization of the organization’s data stream and allows for easy monitoring. An advanced interface provides details on each file or document to ensure the smooth running of its processing (printing, sending, or execution).

Adaptable to a Wide Range of Uses

ScopTracking can natively manage datastream as part of document production monitoring, but can also be adapted to data digitization contexts (electronic payroll bulletins) to ensure the proper monitoring of the electronic transmission of payslips to employee safes and the proper printing of paper jobs for people wishing to maintain a paper version of their pay stubs.

Optimizes the Efficiency of the Production Center

Better monitoring of production tools can optimize printer park usage time, the cost of consumables, and postage costs. By improving the delivery rate of mail, the level of efficiency of the print center is improved and its lost costs are greatly reduced.

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