
Smart Electronic Document Management (EDM) Solution

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Entreprise francaise internationale 1 | mpi tech

Electronic Document Management: Information at the Heart of the Enterprise

Centralizing information from different systems is crucial for the enterprise. Breaking down the concept of silos between departments within the company allows for a cross-functional document approach. A document is part of a process. A sale involves a quote, a purchase order, an invoice, and a delivery note. These documents need to be linked to create efficient Customer Communication.

In companies, employees waste more than 7.5 hours per week searching for documents(Source: AIM). More than one in five decision-makers face difficulties accessing and searching for information (Source: Archimag). There are so many sources of data (business tools, CRM, ECM, company servers, extranet, local hard drive, etc.). Centralizing information in a Document Management System with powerful search and instant visualization capabilities significantly reduces this time.

ScopMaster+: Key Functions

Detailed Indexing and Search Function

ScopMaster+ facilitates the centralization of documents. Each system sends its documents directly to ScopMaster+, which then indexes them and makes them available to users, whether within the company or on the other side of the world.


Instant Visualisation of Content

ScopMaster+ is accessible on PC, tablet, and smartphone. A simple internet browser is all you need to connect. The interfaces have been designed to adapt to all mobile devices. ScopMaster+ is accessible from anywhere, without limitations, whether it’s from the workplace or from home.


Secure User Management

ScopMaster+ secures documents guaranteeing integrity while restricting access to confidential material. Users or User Groups can have permissions granted to document types, storage locations, or job functions. An audit trail gives real-time information on who has accessed the record and any amendments made.


Archive Important Documents

ScopMaster+ retains important documents, and it also offers the option to legally archive the most critical documents. In such cases, the archives are entrusted to Arkhineo, the leading electronic archiving business unit of Docaposte, in France.

Scopmaster+ functionalities

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Scopmaster+ schema

Discover ScopMaster+ Features

  • Easy management and access through a web interface
  • Index documents for better and faster search
  • Digital document archiving
  • The quick search function improves service levels and productivity
  • Controlled access to all files and folders with user administration
  • Available on desktop PCs and mobile devices
  • Free the company from paper!
  • Documents are always available
  • Easy to install and use
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Reduce document search time by 4 with ScopMaster+.

(User Study 2022)

Benefits of scopmaster+

ScopMaster+ : Benefits

At the Heart of the Company

ScopMaster+ is a single tool that covers all phases of the document life cycle providing “the right document at the right time, in the right place”. ScopMaster+ delivers an easy-to-use, secure, fast, and quantifiable return on investment.

Time-saving for Employees

Reduce the need to print documents by digitizing all output and sending it to ScopMaster+. Files of a certain type can either be output to a specified hot folder or manually dragged and dropped into ScopMaster+

Struggling to find a copy of that invoice or purchase order? No need to print a copy, simply file all documents into ScopMaster+ to not only reduce the time to retrieve the document but there is no need to print it in the first place or store a hard copy.

Collaborative Working

ScopMaster+ is easily installed on company servers. Users and user groups are imported from the organization’s LDAP directory, and information from various business applications can be quickly imported. ScopMaster+ provides instant access to a growing volume of digital documents, delivering increased productivity, improved service levels, and reduced costs.


Securing Critical Information

How to securely store the most important documents? ScopMaster+ offers electronic archiving with legal validity as an option. To achieve this, ScopMaster+ relies in France on Arkhineo’s services, a subsidiary of Docaposte. Arkhineo safeguards essential documents such as invoices, contracts, payslips, etc., while complying with legal electronic archiving standards: NF Z42-013, NF 461, ISO 27001, eiDAS, HDS, SOC 2, and SOC 3.

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