Press release: Merger between MPI Tech and Data Syscom

Converting Student Transcripts to PDF

Success Story – A Large University in the Middle East Needed to Convert All of its Student Reports to PDF

Conversion of mainframe documents to pdf
Entreprise francaise internationale 1 | mpi tech

University Transcripts in PDF

An institution in the Middle East university sought MPI Tech’s expertise to convert student reports into PDF format.

Approximately 25,000 reports were archived in AFP, comprising one to several hundred pages, containing text, Arabic fonts, images, and colorful graphics.

“The project highlighted the outstanding performance of ACM’s Arabic font support software, converting all files at very high speed into a format supported by the various destination platforms.”


The decision was made to abandon the mainframe and use Windows and Linux servers in the future. All student work and reports done in the past were to be saved and converted to a format readable on Linux and Windows platforms.

Mainframe conversion issues in pdf
Conversion of mainframe data to pdf

Proposed Solution

Approximately 25,000 reports were archived in AFP, ranging from one to several hundred pages in length, containing text, Arabic fonts, images, and color graphics.

Thanks to ACM, the conversion was done in one fell swoop and in record time.

Mainframe File Conversion

Guaranteed Conversion Speed


Ensuring Document Legibility