Press release: Merger between MPI Tech and Data Syscom

AFP/IPDS Printing to Multifunction Printers

Success Story – Volvo

Success story : host printing
Entreprise francaise internationale 1 | mpi tech

AFP/IPDS Printing to MFPs

Volvo is seeking a solution to send AFP/IPDS data streams directly to modern multi-function printers. The hardware solution LinkCom from MPI Tech fully satisfied this requirement.

No changes were needed at the i-series system level.


The Volvo Truck Center needs to print a very large volume of repair orders and invoices at its garages located in Denmark. The central data management system is an IBM i-series, managed and located at Volvo’s headquarters in Sweden.

Use case : host printing on mfps
Host printing on mfps

Proposed Solution

With the volume of printing constantly increasing, and the cost of old printers increasing, the Volvo Truck Center decided to invest in new printers for all of its garages.

Volvo chose Ricoh printers to meet their current and future needs.

The new machines are MFPs that offer many more options than the ones they replaced.

It was of utmost importance that the new MFPs were a perfect replacement for the old machines without the need to change the i-series system settings.

All of the tray settings were programmed into LinkCom to match the specifics of the Ricoh solution. No changes were required to the i-series system.


Volvo mainly uses the network outputs of LinkCom (Host2Net), which remain permanently in the server room, thus reducing the intervention area in case of problems.

Streamline the Publishing Chain

Reduce Infrastructure Costs


Standardize Documents

Reduce Printing Costs